Their details are as follows: You can subscribe to the Yahoogroups list by entering your email address below: This list is also available in daily digest form, as well as individual emails, or you can just read it via the web. If you would like more information, go to the List's homepage at To subscribe (or
unsubscribe) to the Majordomo list to receive individual emails,
send mail to: OR Send mail to:
To subscribe/unsubscribe
to the digest mailing list, send mail to: OR
and put into the
message body: The Subject: field is ignored, so fill in anything you like or leave it blank. The digest list receives one digest message after approx. 25K of postings to the regular list, or after 3 days. If you can't keep up with the regular list but don't want to miss the RoS list entirely, or if you are going on vacation and don't want to find your mailbox swamped when you return, consider (temporarily) subscribing to the digest list. To switch from
regular list to digest list, send a message to: subscribe ros-digest unsubscribe ros in the message body.
For security reasons Majordomo refuses people to (un)subscribe others to the RoS mailing list, only themselves. Therefore, don't specify an E-mail address (not even your own!) when (un)subscribing; Majordomo will take the E-mail address to (un)subscribe from the From: field of your message. If you have any problems with subscribing to the Majordomo list, contact Retrieving files
from the Majordomo archive The RoS mailing list keeps monthly archives, digests, and other Ros related files. To find out what's in the ros list archive send a message to with "index ros" in the body (without the quotes) and you will receive an answer that looks like: >>>>
index ros The last entry on every line is the file name. The file "contents" in the ros list archive contains a list of all the files in the ros list archive together with a short, one-line description of the contents of each file. To obtain this file, send a message to with "get ros contents" (without the quotes) in the body and it will be send to you by E-mail. The monthly archives are named "ros.YYMM", e.g. "ros.9510" is the archive for October 1995. But beware, they can be quite large: most are more than 0.5 Mb, some are over 1 Mb! To retrieve a specfic file from the ros list archive, send a message to: get ros <filename> in the message body (for <filename> fill in the name of a file in the RoS mailing list archive, mind the capitials and underscores: Majordomo is case-sensitive) and the file in question will be send to you by E-mail. The Subject field is ignored, so fill in anything you like or leave it blank. You can specify multiple files in one E-mail message. Just add one request line for each file, e.g. put into the message body: get ros A_Bad_Day_in_Sherwood To find out what digests are available, send a message to with "index ros-digest" in the body and you will receive an answer that looks like: >>>>
index ros-digest Digests can be handy to retrieve if for some reason you missed a few postings to the regular list, e.g. because your mail box was full or because your mail server was having trouble, or if you unsubscribed for a short period. The digests are named "vdd.nxxx", where 'dd' is the two-digit volume number and 'xxx' is the three digit digest number, e.g. "v02.n003" is digest volume 2, number 003. To retrieve a digest, send a message to: get ros-digest vdd.nxxx in the message
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